Sam Asks:

What are you doing this Saturday?

Watching the new show, Victorious!
Listening to the Victorious Theme Song!
Telling my friends about Victorious!
All of the poo!
Watching the new show, Victorious!
Listening to the Victorious Theme Song!
Telling my friends about Victorious!
All of the poo!
Dip Miss Briggs!
It's time to Dip Miss Briggs in this awesome new game!!!
Spencer's NEW Blog!
Spencer dropped out of law school, but his dad STILL has no idea! What should he do? He's asking for your help in his new blog!
Last week Spencer ACCIDENTALLY dated Gibby's mom and Sam's been LOL-ing ever since. So just to mess with Spencer, Sam's put Gibby's face on everything she could think of!