Questions About Uploading Video
Questions About Uploading Photos
Questions about Commenting on iCarly.com
General Questions
What is iCarly?
When I decided to start my own web show, my friends and I named the show iCarly – the "i" stands for Internet (or
awesome) and Carly is my name. iCarly.com is a place where you can come see me and my best friend, Sam, do fun stuff...read our blogs...check out our pictures...and even upload your own pics and videos for a chance to see them on iCarly!!! And more!!! Seriously!!!
How do I get on iCarly?
Easy! Just send us your video and we might put it on our webcast -- or show it on iCarly.com! But remember, your parents have to give permission for you to send us your videos before we can even watch them. Then, we have to love your video before we show it. So don't send us boring stuff! And don't get all mad if you don't see your video right away. We're, like, super-busy with our web show and school stuff (homework). So it might be awhile before we watch your video. Just keep checking back to see if we pick your video to show!
When does this website update?
We update iCarly.com pretty often. We add video highlights for each web show (usually on Saturday night). We normally add your comments to the site on Tuesdays and update our pics on Thursdays. One of the coolest things on our site is our countdown clock (you can find it at the bottom of the homepage) -- and it tells you what we're gonna update next!
Questions About Uploading Video
How do I upload video?
There are a bunch of places on our site where you can upload your videos. So, wherever you see the "upload video" button or wherever it says "Send us your videos here," just click it to upload a video. It's really easy!
How will you use my video?
If we LOVE your video and you do everything you're supposed to (like send in all the signed release forms and turn off the music in the background), we might show your video on our iCarly webcast.
What are the rules and guidelines for uploading or sending my video?
Where can I send my video if I can't upload it to your site?
Note: You have to download our User-Generated Content agreement and include it in your package.
Click here
to download our UGC agreement.
Click here
to download our Guest Release form if your friends or family are in the video with you.
Send your video to:
P.O. Box 3050
Hollywood, CA 90028
Send your video to:
P.O. Box 3050
Hollywood, CA 90028
Can I get my video back after I send it to you?
Sorry, we can't return your video. So be smart -- make and keep a backup copy for yourself, so you'll have it forever!
Can you help me with an idea for my video?
Sure! If you want us to show your video on iCarly, it has to make us LAUGH...or make us go,
It needs to be a video that lots of other kids would wanna see. Don't send us anything boring. Basically, just make it
really fun
! Here are some examples:
Tell a great joke (that YOU made up)!
Do a funny voice!
Do an impersonation of a famous celebrity!
Do a cool trick!
Show us your pet if he or she does a cool trick!
Act out a funny scene!
Show us a super-cool dance!
Show us a cool sports talent!
Show us a cool art project you made!
Make a super awesome or creative sandwich!
Dress up and act like one of your relatives!
What format does my video have to be in?
If you are uploading video online, your video has to be in one of the following formats: .3gp, .3g2, .asf, .avi, .dv, .flv, .m4v, .mov, .mpg, .mpg2, .mpeg, .mpeg2, .mpeg4, .mp4, .qt, .wmv, .asf, .mp3, .wav, or .wma.
If you are sending us a video in the mail, please make sure your video is on a DV tape, a mini-DV tape, a VHS tape, a data CD or data DVD (as a digital file, such as QuickTime or .AVI).
Which video format will look best?
Typically any video shot on DV or mini-DV will look better than video shot on a phone or a digital camera.
Is there someplace on your site where I can get tips for shooting video?
Yes, check out our "Making Your Own Web Show" video series (click on iPlay at the top of this page). And stay tuned for more video clips coming soon!!!
Why am I having trouble uploading video to your site?
There are many reasons you might be having trouble. Here are some:
Your video may be too large in file size (over 50 MB).
Your video may be too long (We recommend keeping your video shorter than 5 minutes long).
You must be registered and logged into iCarly.com to upload video.
Why can't I watch video on your site?
The most likely reason you can't see video is that you do not have Flash 8. You'll need to download it before you can watch video on iCarly.com.
If I have a friend in the video, why do they need to submit different release forms?
You just do! Sorry -- it's, like, some "legal thing." Spencer explained it to us, but we got bored and stopped listening. Anyway, you just have to.
I uploaded my video. Why don't I see it on iCarly.com?
First thing's first: If your parent hasn't approved the video, we can't show it. Second, we have to find time to watch it before we can decide if we like it or not. So keep checking back for your video. And don't lose hope! We may not have even watched it yet (We have a lot of homework, and running a web show takes a lot of energy!).
Do I have to register to upload videos?
In order to upload videos to iCarly.com, you gotta have an iCarly user name. You also have to enter your parent's email address so we can let them know you've uploaded a video. Here's how it works: You create an account on iCarly. When you upload video, we'll ask you for your parent's email address. Then, we'll send your parent an email with a link to watch your video, and your parent can choose "accept" or "reject." Only AFTER your parent approves your video can we even watch it. If we love it, we might show it on iCarly.com or include it in our web show.
How many videos can I upload to iCarly.com?
You can upload one video at a time, but you can come back (and upload more videos) as often as you like! Just please don't submit the same video twice.
And remember, your parent and we have to approve each video before they go on iCarly.com or on our web show. So don't waste your time uploading stuff you know will never be approved by your parents and us! Also: DON'T give us your personal information in your video (last name, street address, school, phone numbers, or email addresses), don't wear clothes with brand logos, don't have music playing in background, don't use bad language, and don't do anything dangerous!!!
And remember, your parent and we have to approve each video before they go on iCarly.com or on our web show. So don't waste your time uploading stuff you know will never be approved by your parents and us! Also: DON'T give us your personal information in your video (last name, street address, school, phone numbers, or email addresses), don't wear clothes with brand logos, don't have music playing in background, don't use bad language, and don't do anything dangerous!!!
How long can my video be?
We suggest that you keep your video under 5 minutes. The longer your video is, the harder it is for the computer to compress it, and the worse it will look on iCarly. Anyway, who wants to watch a long video online? Keep it under 5 -- for sure!
How long does it take to upload video to iCarly.com?
The length of time it takes to upload a video depends on your computer's connection speed and the size of your video. With a high-speed Internet connection, videos generally take between 1 and 5 minutes to upload (per megabyte). But the speed is different for every computer, depending on connection speed -- so this is just a guess.
Questions About Uploading Photos
How do I upload photos?
You can upload your photos on the iSnaps page or on the Send Us Stuff page, and other places you see the words "Upload your photos here."
How will you use my photo?
If you uploaded your photo on iCarly.com and your parent has approved your photo, then we'll take a look at it. If we love it, we might post it on iCarly.com -- or show it in our web show.
What are the rules and guidelines for uploading or sending photos?
Where can I send my photo if I can't upload it to your site?
Note: You must download our User-Generated Content agreement and include it in your package.
Click here
to download our UGC agreement.
Click here
to download our Guest Release form if your friends or family members are in the photo with you. Send your photos and the release forms to:
P.O. Box 3050
Hollywood, CA 90028
P.O. Box 3050
Hollywood, CA 90028
Can you help me with an idea for my photo?
Sure, some of the photos we love to get are:
Pictures of your pets doing funny things, like drinking from the sink (or toilet).
Your most embarrassing pictures
Pictures of your favorite crazy outfit
Pictures of objects of food that look like people or animals
Pictures of the ugliest shirt you own
Pictures of your funny or scary Halloween costume
Pictures of you dressed up in funny clothes or glasses or with a funny hat
Pictures of you in crazy makeup
Pictures of you and a friend wearing a big shirt as a two-headed monster
Picture of a cool art project you made
Can I get my photo back after I send it to you?
Nope. Sorry, but we cannot return your photos. So please make backup copies for yourself to keep!
Why am I having trouble uploading photos to your site?
Your photo might be too large for iCarly.com. Please make sure to keep your photo under 1 MB.
I uploaded my photo. Why don't I see it on iCarly.com?
First thing's first: Check with your parent to see if they've approved your photo. If they haven't, we won't even look at it. If they have, we'll look at it to see if we love it. If we do, we might post it on iCarly.com or include it in our web show! So, keep checking back for your photo. And, don't lose hope! We might not have even watched it yet (We have a lot of homework, and running a web show takes a lot of energy!).
Do I have to register to upload photos?
In order to upload photos to iCarly.com, you gotta have an iCarly user name and password. You also have to enter your parent's email address so we can let them know you've uploaded a photo. Here's how it works: You create an account on iCarly. When you upload a photo, we'll ask you for your parent's email address. Then, we send your parent an email with a link to look at your photo and your parent can choose "accept" or "reject." Only AFTER your parent approves your photo can we even look at it. If we love it, we may show it on iCarly.com or include it in our web show.
How many photos can I upload to iCarly.com?
You can upload one photo at a time, but you can come back (and upload MORE photos) as often as you like! Just please don't submit the same photo twice.
How long does it take to upload a photo to iCarly.com?
The length of time it takes to upload a photo depends on your computer's connection speed and the size of your photo. With a high-speed internet connection, photos generally take between 1 and 3 minutes to upload. But the speed is different for every computer -- so this is just a guess.
Questions about Commenting on iCarly.com
Do I have to be registered to comment on iCarly.com?
Yes, you must be registered to comment on video or photos, but you do not need to have your parent's permission to comment.
Why don't I see my comment on iCarly.com?
We try to read every comment, and we only post our favorites.